My Approach

Integrative Nutrition Plate

The Nutrition Plate, water, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, protein, fats & oils.

The Integrative Nutrition Plate is adapted from the USDA’s MyPlate nutrition guidelines and emphasizes the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It replaces the Integrative Nutrition Food Pyramid with an intuitive representation of how people eat and emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size.

The Integrative Nutrition Plate serves as a general guideline for healthy eating but should be adapted and customized according to what works best for you. Just as there’s no one-size-fits-all diet, there are no strict instructions on how everyone has to eat all the time.


Eat in season, choose local and organic when possible, and eat a variety of colors. Enjoy fruit when craving sweets and snacks.


Vegetables are nutritionally rich – so fill your plate! Go for many colors, choosing dark leafy greens as much as possible. Go for local and organic when possible, especially of those vegetables on the Dirty Dozen™ list.

Whole Grains

Whole grains provide many nutrients and fiber. Avoid refined grains like white bread, white rice, and white flour products. If you cannot digest grains or choose not to eat them, perhaps you’d do better with more veggies instead!


Choose healthy varieties such as beans, nuts, eggs, fish, and poultry. If you eat meat, choose grass-fed, organic for best quality. Avoid processed meats like bacon and cold cuts.

Fats and Oils

Use plant-based oils like olive oil for cooking and as dressing on salad. Choose wild fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds. Balance your intake of saturated fats like butter, cream, and cheese. Avoid trans fats.


Opt for water as your drink of choice. Limit caffeinated drinks and avoid sugary drinks. If you drink dairy, quality is key – choose milk free of added hormones and buy local, organic when possible.

Primary Food

To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal health – relationships, career, physical activity, and spirituality. We call these elements primary food because they’re often more important than the food that’s on your plate:


Being well connected with others is an essential part of life, and the quality of our relationships explains a lot about the quality of our health.


Work is a huge part of our daily routine, yet how many of us really enjoy it? Finding work you love is essential to living a healthy, balanced life.

Physical Activity

Our bodies thrive on movement, and quickly degenerate without it. Find a routine that can nourish you on a regular basis.


Spirituality can feed us on a very deep level and dramatically diminish our cravings for superficial rewards of life.


Interested to learn more?

Integrative Nutrition encourages people to look at these aspects of life as a form of nutrition, a way to feed themselves at a much deeper level than food. The food you eat plays a critical role in your health and happiness, but the four forms of primary food make your life extraordinary.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

My approach is not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. It is not to create lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding.

Together we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.